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Times are changing, and we’re changing the way news and journalism is used to catalyse positive change…

The ‘media’ plays an important role in democracy as the ‘fourth estate,’ responsible for keeping people properly informed, as a tool for information, and peace and consensus-building. With the rise of fake news, privatisation and media monopolies, limits to press freedom, divisive politics, and growing insecurity created by social and economic inequality, the media is failing to act as the fourth estate. 

Changing Times Newspapers

Our Approach To Storytelling For Social Change

Our approach to storytelling for social change isn’t something that is exclusively for journalists or news reporters. Media makers (like writers, filmmakers, or photographers) can report on successful local experiments that could be scaled up elsewhere in the world, or report on the solutions happening elsewhere that could be brought to their own communities. Activists can use media creatively to solve the issues they are tackling. Scholars and other news model innovators can strive to find solutions to the crisis in media itself… How, in an era where social media is thriving and the traditional news business models are crumbling, can we re-invent media? The public can live out the solutions and bring them alive through personal storytelling. We all, in one way or another have the potential to shape the landscape of our democracy using the media. 

Our Team

Humanitarian Changemakers Network Founder, Editor-in-Chief of the Changing Times News

Tiyana J

Humanitarian Changemakers Network Founder, Editor-in-Chief of the Changing Times News
Humanitarian Changemakers Network's Political Editor & Head of Production

Loughlin Patrick

Humanitarian Changemakers Network’s Political Editor & Head of Production
Changing Times News storyteller

Claire Bailey

Changing Times News storyteller

Our Partners We share stories from the following leaders of change