With the rise of fake news, divisive politics, and growing insecurity created by social and economic inequality, we are often left with a media landscape dominated by dismal perspectives on the world. Too much of our media focuses on “What went wrong yesterday and who can we blame?” Too rarely does it focus on “What might go right tomorrow and who is showing the way?” So we’re bringing you a solution.
For many people, being bombarded with stories about all of the problems within society, rather than the solutions, leads to a disinterest and disengagement in global issues. This harms the strength and resilience of our communities, both locally and globally. Using the power of media and technology to advance positive social change certainly isn’t a new concept, but solutions media is re-thinking how media can be a tool to drive more effective humanitarian action and social change.
It’s not about positive or ‘good news’ stories – people carrying out inspirational acts of generosity or achievement. You know… the types of positive stories that are shared on social media that make people feel-good. It certainly doesn’t ignore the problems that exist, or the barriers to achieving them.
Solutions media uses communication tools to respond to social problems, and can take many diverse forms like journalism, digital tools, cultural products or public campaigns. People need to learn about examples of positive change. Identifying potential solutions to our society’s challenges is key to our public dialogue.
Solutions media isn’t something that is exclusively for journalists or news reporters. Media makers (like writers, filmmakers, or photographers) can report on successful local experiments that could be scaled up elsewhere in the world, or report on the solutions happening elsewhere that could be brought to their own communities.
Activists can use media creatively to solve the issues they are tackling.
Scholars and other news model innovators can strive to find solutions to the crisis in media itself… How, in an era where social media is thriving and the traditional news business models are crumbling, can we re-invent media?
The public can live out the solutions and bring them alive through personal storytelling.
We all, in one way or another have the potential to shape the landscape of our democracy using solutions media. Even if you don’t directly contribute to the media, you still consume media in some way (reading this right now proves so).
By choosing to create, consume, or share solutions-focused stories and ideas, you can help turn the media into a valuable information tool, a forum for discussion, and a peace and consensus builder.
The Solutions Journalism Network has a very detailed guide on how to produce solutions stories and runs online workshops frequently. If you want to know more about solutions journalism and want to write for the Humanitarian Changemakers Network, we recommend visiting their Hub and undertaking their free training.